Change Your Beliefs, Transform your Life



This course is for anyone that wants to take the time to improve themself. 

Do you feel you’re not fully living? 

Do you wish you would take more risks in life? 

Do you have lots of fears that hold you back? 

Do you dream of something different in life for yourself? 

Are you fearful of dying and having regrets about what you did or didn’t do?

Do you wish you had more joy in your life?

Do you want deeper relationships with people? 

Do you want to remove limiting beliefs so you can reach your highest potential? 

The App is AWESOME!

myQuest compared to other learning apps

20 Times Higher Engagement and Completion
Remembering what you learned
10 Times More Likely to Remember Info


Beliefs are the foundation of who you are. You have a belief; the ideas believed to be true and right, and that creates your thoughts. Your thoughts create your emotions. Your emotions create your words and actions. These together create your reality.

The foundation of who you are “was given to you” by your parents, clergy, other family, and school leaders from the time you were born. Layer after layer of who you are isn’t of your choosing. It was trained and indoctrinated into you. If you want to experience real transformation, you must determine what beliefs empower and change the ones that don’t. The process of choosing who you are uncovers many beliefs that actually limit you and keep you stuck or unhappy.


This course is very comprehensive. Here are just a few things you will learn:
What are beliefs?
Where do beliefs come from? What are the connections between emotions, thoughts, and beliefs?
How are beliefs are formed?
What is a trigger?
What is stored emotion? 
Why do we store emotion? 
How does stored emotion harm us?
How do I bring hidden beliefs to my awareness?
Why do I continue to hold on to beliefs that don’t serve me?
How do I create new empowering beliefs?
How do I integrate new beliefs into my life? 
And much, much more! 

About Alise, the Course Author

Alise Saunders: Life Coach, Travel Blogger, Podcast Host, Entrepreneur, Warrior

For over a decade, Alise has been teaching life skills to those who have experienced trauma.

In 2018, Alise left her corporate life and six-figure salary, feeling like she wasn’t being challenged enough and living life to its fullest. First, she created a virtual bookkeeping company, helping small business owners optimize their business, reaching their goals and learning from their financials, which she does today.

In 2020, Alise realized and embraced her next dream of being a travel blogger. In April 2021, Alise and her husband Gregg let their apartment lease expire, sold or gifted most of their belongings, and with no home to return to, they set out on a transformational journey. In their blog, Tales From An Untamed Soul, they provide FREE travel guides and share stories and images that reflect their authenticity, and lessons learned as they navigate life and travels. Alise has created a podcast to tell the extraordinary stories of other untamed souls living their dream that she and Gregg meet along their travels.

 Alise continues to work with people, helping them to overcome limiting beliefs, live their heart’s desires and see their lives transform. Alise’s business expertise has helped many to create a business they love.

Alise has been seen in the TV show That’s What She Said, featured on several podcasts, and recognized by NBC and FOX news, along with other media outlets. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the button on this page below that says BUY NOW $299!

Everyone is different! I encourage you to apply yourself, watch the videos, read the articles, complete all the missions, take time to think about the questions, use the journal to record your thoughts and feelings, and use this opportunity to create new beliefs that will empower you and work to implement those into your life. We cannot guarantee any result for any person. This is merely an opportunity to guide you along a path that could yield transforming results for you. 

You are setting out on a special journey and you don’t even have to leave home! It is your quest or journey to discover, uncover, find, let go, lean in, and transform. Each section is called a mission because you are on a mission, a call from your soul, your higher self, to open to something new, that has the potential to help you expand as a person, to grow, to think, to feel, to heal, and to be a better version of yourself. No matter how slight or large your growth is once you have insight, knowledge, awareness of who you are and who you want to become, it opens your heart, your mind, and connects to those energies in the universe which can never be undone.  

Yes, you can skip any mission you want to. You will not accumulate points for that mission, you will probably miss out on valuable information, and you may feel disoriented in the next mission, as most of the missions build upon eachother to create a knowledge base. If you skip a mission, you undo the skip by selecting the mission and selecting redo. 

The points don’t do anything, they have no cash or other value, and are only designed to create a more fun and rewarding experience. The points will show at the top of your screen when you are logged in and are there to show you how much progress you’ve made by their accumulation and to encourage you to keep going. Making changes in your life can be hard. We all have to fight the urge to stay in our routine, where everything is known, but we only grow when we find the courage to examine our thoughts and why we think, say and do the things we do or don’t do. This Quest will encourage you along the way to keep going! 

The course is paid at time of purchase and is not refundable. 

After purchasing the course by clicking one of the pink buttons on this page follow these instructions:

  • Enter your name and email address, then create your own password and “check” the Terms and Conditions which are for the application only. The Terms and Conditions remain in effect for this website and the course as indicated on this page. 

  • Then login! Your email address is your username and enter the password you just created in the step above. 

  • It is a good idea to bookmark and pin the page to avoid repeatedly logging in. 

  • If you need to log in again just click the link, press “get started” then click “I already have an account”. Login as usual. 

  • Please go to browser settings and enable browser cookies. If it is a safari browser, then it is called “cross-site tracking” – enable this.

To complete these steps and view the course, you will need a computer and a Wi-Fi connection. The better the speed, the faster and more clear the videos, in many of the missions, will appear. 

No, you don’t have to use the journal in the application. You can use your own journal, especially if you find writing and not typing therapeutic. The course is designed to just make things easy and keep everything in one place, but if you prefer your own journal and enjoy the writing process, please do what makes you happy and joyful. 

The Quest has a community feature that allows you to post comments for others taking the course to see. It is required that all comments be positive and do not have any identifying information about yourself, your location, or any other personal details. It is required that comments do not cause harm to anyone. Comments, including but not limited to the following, are not to be racist, hate speech, demeaning to anyone, call out anyone on their prior comments or discuss any technical issues you may be having. If you are having technical issues, please email Any comments that violate this policy will be removed from the course without refunding. 

The videos are created as Alise is on the road traveling as a travel blogger, staying in Airbnbs. She often finds a corner, table or couch to sit on and chat with you. Most are not scripted and often she does not have notes. This is meant to feel you’re sitting down with her, chatting about life. It’s casual. Just like you are probably in your PJs as you are watching, Alise is in t-shirt and jeans, with hair in a clip and no makeup on. Alise wants you to feel like you are there with her, witnessing her authentic self. If you’re wanting a curated experience of perfection, you won’t find it here. What Alise says will not always thrill you. It’s not supposed to. Alise will provide perspectives that vary so you can identify your strong emotional attachments to beliefs and examine if they are holding you back or serving your best interest. 

The course has many hours of videos, articles, and writing prompts. Each mission/module, on average, takes 30-60 minutes per week, which could be done in a day. Additional journaling would take longer, which I hope you can do for optimal insights. 

The types of beliefs that will be discussed are a bit of everything, but here is a short list: 

  • Sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others, to gain approval, or keep the peace
  • Money- often people have conflicting beliefs about money that keep them from moving forward financially. Do you love money? Do you think it’s evil? Do you need it and want it but don’t think you can have it? 
  • Self-love- do you want to love yourself but find that you criticise yourself to others, call yourself names, chastise how you look? 
  • Self-care- Do you think this is a trendy word that really means lazy or selfishness? Do you think it’s not possible to have self-care when you are so busy? Do you believe self-care is about candles, bubble baths, and eating chocolate? 
  • Relationships- Do you have people in your life that don’t support you but you continue to invest time into that relationship? Do you feel guilt and shame when you think about distancing yourself from others for your own mental and emotional wellbeing?
  • Coping Mechanisms- Do you just try to get through each day from one moment to the next? Do you feel like if you let go of a “story” you’ve had your whole life, you won’t know who you are? Do you ask yourself, “Who am I without the drama and pain of this trauma?” Do you look to your future and find it terrifying, and find it easier to look back at your past?  

When people hear “change” your beliefs, it can be scary. The purpose of the course is to help you determine if there is an opportunity for you to have a higher perspective which can have beneficial life changes, as a result. You don’t have to change anything, and talking about other perspectives and ways of looking at things doesn’t change you if you don’t choose to allow it to. 

You will have access for one year after your date of purchase. There are no exceptions to this policy. 

All the policies and Terms and Conditions for this site apply and are still in effect, in addition to the items below. The course is not refundable and cannot be canceled for any reason. The course will only be valid and accessible to you for one year after purchase. You may not share your login with anyone else, but please share the course purchase link or this page with others you think might benefit from this course. The Quest has a community feature that allows you to post comments for others taking the course to see. It is required that all comments be positive, and do not have any identifying information about yourself, your location or any other personal details. It is required that comments do not cause harm to anyone. Comments, including but not limited to the following, are not to be racist, hate speech, demeaning to anyone, call out anyone on their prior comments or discuss any technical issues you may be having. If you are having technical issues, please email Comments are not to include other courses, businesses, your own business or generate a financial benfit to you or anyone else. The community is to be a safe space for everyone without feeling solicited to, harmed, harassed, shamed, unwelcome, or uncomfortable. Any comments that violate this policy will be removed from the course, but a refund will not be provided. If you find any comments in the community that violate this policy, contact immediately. No refund will be given based on what anyone posts in the community. It is not something that we can control. We can not view comments before they are posted. By purchasing this course, you agree to these terms and conditions and all terms and conditions on this site and those of myQuest, the application the course is built in. The information provided through this or any course we provide is for informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. It is not professional advice, nor is it intended to create any type of relationship between us. You should not act on any of the information in this or any course without seeking professional legal, financial, medical, mental health, travel,or other professional advice or care. Results may vary. You may see no value or benefit from this course and you might not even like it. By accessing or using or purchasing this course, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the website and this course, Privacy Policy, and Affiliate Policy. Content may not be reproduced in any form. All trademarks, copyright, and intellectual property laws and rights apply.Â